Saturday, January 22, 2011

Adding To My Family

Earlier this week, my husband brought home a new puppy. Which now puts us having 3 dogs. I was hesitate at first, but whats done is done. We named her Ava (the other 2 are males-Puncho and Ace). It has been a long week with crate training her. Although, some moments I enjoy just the company of having someone home with me in the daytime while everyone else is at work and school.

I guess your probably wondering if this blog is going to be about my dogs. Well, not actually. Having Ava has really made me think about Teresa alot. Meaning, Teresa had a dog named Shady. Teresa liked her dog. And I did too. Shady would sit and wait at the road for me everyday. Follow me down the long driveway and then all the way into the house. Shady would sit there until I came back out, because she knew I always had some to eat for her. And then she'd follow me all the way back out the driveway and run beside my car down the road until she couldn't run anymore. This reminds me too of how Teresa waited for me every day. Teresa would always say,"I knew you were coming (to see me)". And my day wouldn't be complete if I didn't see her neither.

Well, Shady had puppies. And of course, I was the first to get one. I named him Tyson (that's a pic of him above). I toted him around in a basket. Teresa would just roll her eyes at me and laugh. But, as Tyson grew up, he got more curious about the world. And one day he never came back. I searched high and low for him. Even passed out a few fliers. To this day, Tyson never returned. Shady did have more puppies after that, but I didn't get one this time.

After Teresa got really sick, Shady would leave home more and more. Sometimes for days. It was strange that  not long after Teresa died, Shady and her puppy left one day and never came back neither. We never knew what happened to them. Just a mystery. I just hope that wherever they went, it was in peace. Just like Teresa did. I miss them all, Teresa, Shady, Tyson and the puppy.

Will you share your story today?

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